Anthia sexmaculata marginata
Latreille, 1823
Family: Carabidae
Size: 29 mm (25 to 40 mm)
Origin: Northern Africa
Biology: Lives in desert regions, predatory of insects; young larvae enter ants'
nests and remain there feeding on the ants and their larvae
Location: Algeria, Tannesrouft (Tanezrouft)
leg.det. H.J.Mager, 19.IV.1973
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2021
Anthia sexmaculata marginata (enlarged)
Anthia sexmaculata marginata (Flickr)
Anthia sexmaculata marginata (Wikimedia Commons)
Location List Coleoptera Algeria (Google Drive)
Locality List Carabidae Palaearctic Region (Google Drive)