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Pogonocherus hispidulus (Piller & Mitterpacher, 1783)
Family: Cerambycidae
Size: 7.0 mm (6 to 7 mm)
Origin: Southern, Central and Southern Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia
Ecology: Developing in hardwoods and shrubs, also in conifers in dry branches and twigs
Location: Italy, Piemont, Turin, Villa, 1250 m
leg. H.Muehle, 17.VI.2019; det. H.Muehle, 2020
Photo: U.Schmidt, 2021

Pogonocherus hispidulus  (enlarged)

Pogonocherus hispidulus  (Flickr)

Pogonocherus hispidulus  (Wikimedia Commons)

Loaction List Cerambycidae Palaearctic Region  (Google Drive)